The original design
work for much of the Space 1889 material - including the ships - was carried
out by a very talented chap: David Deitrick. He has his own website,
of course where you can look at some of his work but - having seen what we've
done inspired by his material, he very kindly sent us some hard to find or unpublished
material that we can look at which gives us insights into how the ships were
designed. David also has some booklets of background material booklets for sale
so you might like to contact him!
In the mean time,
have a look at his work below!
The first picture (top left) is an Aphid in true 25mm built and finished by the David Deitrick. In the middle top position and the top right position are cut aways showing the internal workings of an Aphid and a Martian Hullcutter of the sort built by us. Note the below deck positions of the guns. In the center position below those is a large sculpt by David of a Martian Nomad, which gives a nice feel for the Martians in general.
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