The Cloudships game
made its first outing at Salute Zero Five.
Three games were played,
all based around the "Destroy the Bridges" scenario we had developed.
Each scenario took eleven players. The Cloudships game is umpiire intensive with
one person moving the ships, two more per player team and a controller, card turner
and bell ringer as the very minimum. The game area is such that the umpires need
two way radios with head sets to communicate and a 'bull horn' and a bell for
All in all, the game went very well, with the ships and photo blow ups along with
the magnetic movement panels recieving a lot of attention and comment.
We hope to take the game to other shows where we can find both the space and the
umpires to play it!
Many thanks to
all those involved with the project so far, both as ship builders and then as
umpires or assistants on the day. They were (in alphabetical order):
Brian Cameron,
Ivan Congreve, Kevin Dallimore, Alan Patrick and John Treadaway in
the ship yards
Tim Atkinson, Brian Cameron, Ivan Congreve and John Treadaway on
the planet's surface.
All of the above for development, play testing, assistance and umpiring on the
day with the addition of: Carron Congreve, Shane Dallimore, Roger Dixon,
Peter Merritt, Mick Penver, Caroline Perress and Adam Tennant
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