Tim, Mark, Justine, Peter and Karen. John occluded by Julie's impressive titfer... Angus and Paul discussing hats. Probably.
Photos taken by various people including Tony Hibble, Fiona and John - Click on thumbnails to enlarge
Nicola contructs a feast fit for a queen Nicola still making the perfect burger Julie takes her hat off to Fi's dress Mick Mary and Declan Natasha Tash and Jez Girls aloud John's wooden Vulcan from Fi Carron and Alison John and Jay Kay - hard to tell apart. Except the furniture wasn't sliding over the floor "Beam me up cake, Scotty..." said the Captain A gaggle of young ladies discussing shopping. Or boys. Probably Angus, Darren and Fi King Ramage reclines in the royal deck-thrown with his aide d'camp Sir Sharville of Hove Jez with his new bundle flanked by Angus and Ivan: hat buddies
Tony John and Dave. 'Old Wilsonians'  It just goes to show what a good education can do! More round table antics