The Scenery for War of the Daleks was assembled mostly from Ainsty
Castings products. The Walls are almost all from the Blastwall ranges with
control consoles from Media Collectables and Ainsty, suitably
modified where appropriate. Ainsty produced a new line of doors and other accessories
for this game and we want to say a big 'thank you' to both manufacturers.
The scenery was glued to boards made from MDF and cut to 355mm square which (with
resin shrinkage) allows the (nominal) 60mm (actually around 58mm) tile squares
of the Ainsty range to be arranged into a geodesic pattern. Extra floor tiles
were made from 3mm sheet plasti-card scored to represent tiling with a specialist
tile scoring knife blade that leaves no rough edges but cuts a groove instead.
Assembly was mostly using that fine DIY product "No more nails" - certainly
one of the strongest, non-epoxy glues in existence!
The boards were finished was with aerosol spray car paints in various silvers
and other metallics and then airbrushed in grey and black. Finally, they were
dry-brushed silver to bring out the detail. Control consoles had detailing added
from colour print outs via a computer with an inkjet
Click on images below to see examples of the scenery, both finished and in the
process of being constructed.