Doctor Who was, of course, a time travel series and War of the Daleks
deals with different factions of Daleks from different points in time, all converging
on the long abandoned Dalek homeworld of Skaro to attempt to retrieve or destroy
Davros - the original scientist who genetically engineered them from the humanoid
Kaleds, and their one time leader.
To understand more of the game, check the History
of Time: Doctor Who was never great on continuity but - after a lot of work
- the timeline does explain how the Dalek's all get into the game and what their
objectives are.
Below are shots of the War of the Daleks game at shows and so forth.
COLOURS 2004 - Demo game only
SELWG 2003 - New scenery, Sontarans and Yeti included at
a show for the first time
Club night in June 2003 - new scenery and Yeti
Salute Zero Three
Salute Zero Two (and practice games)
Pictures on this page taken by Shane Dallimore,
Gerry Houghton, John Treadaway, Ivan Congreve, Carron Congreve, John Merritt,
Tim Atkinson and Fraser Gray