Hammer's Slammers Regiment |
The Regiment is a mercenary
force under the command of Alois Hammer numbering some 5000 effective personnel.
The Slammer's Regiment comprises some of the best trained, best equipped, nastiest and most expensive mercenaries around. They fight as mechanised infantry and armoured battalions using state of the art equipment. There is an HQ Battalion with HQ, Maintenance, Communications, Medical, Supply, Transport, Engineer and Recreational Companies. Hammer's Body Guard are called the White Mice. They act as Military Police and are under the command of Joachim Steuben, Hammer's 'right hand man'. |
There is a Combat Car Battalion with eight Companies of four line platoons each of Combat Cars. Each Platoon has 6 vehicles - 5 Combat Cars and a Command Car. There is a Tank Battalion with four Tank Companies. Each company has a Command Tank and four platoons. Each platoon has four Tanks. There is also an Infantry Battalion. Four companies, each of four platoons, each platoon with four ten man squads. Each platoon has a command element and was also equipped with three jeeps (again ACV's) carrying a mixture of support weapons. |
Hammer's forces didn't use
APC's (although their opponents
often did). Instead - 0ther than jeep mounted troops - all infantry ride
personal, one-man 'skimmers'.
These are single occupant vehicles that like a flying 'wet-bike'. Although skimmers and jeeps are capable of rising from the ground quite a distance, In the combat area they - of course - stay low, like everything else. There is an Artillery Battalion of around eighteen self propelled rocket assisted howitzers split into three batteries. Lastly, there is a Replacement Battalion The time period is set during the active, 'mercenary' period for the Slammers: ie before the regiment becomes the standing army of Friesland. Units assault into 'hot' LZ's using various methods including the Obadiah: a battalion capacity armoured combat lander. |
The Slammer's emblem - flown as a pennant - is a red lion on a yellow background. Vehicle numbers are usually in red on the front skirts. | |
Click here for next Tank, other vehicle, infantry or here for Slammers Vehicle Names |